NEW: Link to the presentations here !

The 2024 scientific day of the project-team FORMAL v2 will be organised on Tuesday 21st May 2024 at ISCD/SCAI (Esclangon Building, Sorbonne University, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris).
All the members of FORMAL are welcome, as well as any colleague from Sorbonne University who is interested in the topic “From Observing to Modelling Ocean Life”.
Registration is free but mandatory before May 5th.
If you missed the registration deadline, it is still possible to participate remotely. In that case, please contact sakina-dorothee.ayata @ asap.
Program of the day
9h30-10h: Welcome coffee and tea
10h-10h10: Introduction of the day. Sakina-Dorothée Ayata (LOCEAN)
Morning sessions
chaired by Margaux Perhirin
10h10-11h05: Invited keynote. Francesco d’Ovidio (LOCEAN) – The dynamics of Southern Ocean ecosystems across multiple scales
11h05-12h: 4 invited presentations of 12/5 min + 8/5 min of questions/discussions (1h) by young researchers funded by ISCD-FORMAL
11h05-11h15: Alex Nalivaev (FORMAL doc at LOCEAN) – Investigating Kerguelen bloom with a multiscale approach combining high resolution chlorophyll and altimetry satellite observations to a Lagrangian analysis
11h15-11h25: Enza Labourdette (FORMAL doc at LOV/LPSM) – Predicting plankton communities from satellite data using deep learning
11h25-11h45: Lloyd Izard (former doc at LOCEAN, with FORMAL partial funding) – Functional Data Analysis applied to active acoustic data
11h45-12h00: Nicolas Mayot (FORMAL post-doc at LOV) – Phytoplankton phenology in the Southern Ocean
12h-14h: Lunch and poster session
Anyone can propose to present a poster, please do not hesitate to propose one!
See list below.
Afternoon session
chaired by Lloyd Izard.
14h-16h: invited presentations from the different labs involved in FORMAL
14h00-14h25: Camille Richon (former FORMAL post-doc at LOCEAN/LOPS) – Towards a continuous zooplankton size distribution in the PISCES biogeochemical model. ONLINE
14h25-14h40: Quentin Hyvernat (doc at MOi/LOV) – Optimisation of biogeochemical model parameters using BGC-ARGO profiling floats.
14h40-14h55: Gaspard Rihm (doc at ISYEB) – Data-driven approaches to understand dinoflagellates trophic strategies distribution in marine ecosystems
14h55-15h: Pavla Debeljak (researcher) – Exploring small green algae ‘dark matter
15h00-15h15: Clément Haëck (engineer at LOCEAN) – Satellite data reveal which phytoplankton groups are favoured by fine-scale dynamics.
15h15-15h30: Edson Silva (researcher at NERSC, Norway) – Forecasting of harmful Algal blooms (HABs) ONLINE
15h30-15h45: Théo Archambault (doc at LIP6) – Pre-training and Fine-tuning neural networks to reconstruct sparse satellite fields
15h45-16h:Final remarks and general discussions
15h45-16h: Sakina-Dorothée Ayata (LOCEAN) : Brief point on the future activities of FORMAL, including the announcement of ML4Ocean 2024 in October, and general discussions.
List of posters
Under construction… Please send a title to Sakina if you would like to present a poster.
Julie Lemoine (LOV): A diagnostic tool to provide a functional analysis of plankton communities : a trait-based approach
Lalie Conrardy (LOCEAN): Spatial Distribution of Arctic “Copepoda like”images in Baffin Bay
Lisa Di Matteo (LOCEAN): Trait-based modeling of feeding strategies of marine mesozooplankton at global scale
Margaux Perhirin (LOCEAN)
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