
This period of activity (December 2020-November 2021) was once again shaken by the health crisis still underway with the establishment of mixed occupancy of the premises (telework and face-to-face) and the cancellation of most events. Despite the context, the ISCD team-projects affiliates have managed to achieve significant progress in research and training. Most seminars, workshops and meetings have resumed in hybrid mode early April, in our new premises.

Members of the Scientific Advisory Council are invited to join the session via Zoom application.

COS 2021 meeting – 30 nov. 2021 – 1 dec 2021
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 557 357 7770
Access Code: 447172

If you are experiencing any connection problem, please contact Pascal FREY: (+33) 6 43 35 47 38

Activity report – December to November 2021

Tuesday, 30 Nov. – Wednesday 1 Dec., 2021
Council Room, SCAI-ISCD , building Esclangon, 1st floor

Documents (ISCD semestrial report, activity report of research teams, slides) are available in the ISCD DropSU repository.


  • Welcome words by Claude Le Bris, president of the Scientific Advisory Council, and Pascal Frey, director of ISCD.
  • Meeting Agenda

    Day 1: Tuesday 30 nov., 2021 – Council Room

    14:00 – 15:00 COS Meeting: update on ISCD activities preliminary discussion about the team-projects COS members
    15:00 – 16:00 Digital Humanities A. Guilbaud
    16:00 – 17:00 Formal: From ObseRving to Modelling oceAn Life S.D. Ayata, B. Sarels
    17:00 – 18:00 Precision Medicine P.Y. Boëlle
    19:00 – dinner at “Le Buisson Ardent”, 25 Rue Jussieu, 75005 Paris COS members

    Day 2: Wednesday 1 dec., 2021 – Council Room

    09:00 – 10:00 Maestro: MAterials for Energy through STochastic sampling and high peRformance cOmputing M. Saitta, R. Vuilleumier
    10:00 – 11:00 Andiamo: Analysing Numerical DIffusion to Advance Models of the Ocean J. Deshayes, N. Aguillon
    11:00 – 12:00 Origins of Speech A. Vialet, P. Perrier
    12:00 – 16:00 Lunch – Room 1 post-meeting discussions COS members
  • Collaborations with service units SACADO (HPC resources) and SUMMIT (research engineers);
  • Meetings and collaborations with companies: MadoXR, Ubisoft, Adlin;
  • Annual meeting with dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering ;
  • Two short films: Bruto (Carole Grand, France Télévisions) and Le jeu de la Science (compétition Symbiose, Festival ParisScience);
  • Human Resources:
    • Nora Roger (administrative assistant, shared with SCAI);
    • Recruitements to support research teams: 4 postdocs, 3 engineers, 9 master internships;
  • Bi-monthly meetings with team leaders;
  • Monthly seminar is back;
  • PISACMS’21: Paris International School on Advanced Computational Materials (08/30-09/03);
  • Generalized Langevin Equations in classical and quantum simulations: discussion meeting (10/4-6);
  • Séminaire Pr. Bettina Keller (04/16);
  • Webinar Formal (03/09);
  • Proposal VHS (A. Guilbaud PI) selected for funding AAPG2021 ANR;
  • Proposal DRIM HPC (E. Audit, P. Frey) submitted to Regional Council;
  • 2 laureates for ISCD PhD call: L. Huet, F. Petit;
  • The 2021 budget not fully used up; the remainder is carried over to the 2022 financial year, see Table below; [Operating costs: 150k€, PhDs: 315k€, Post-docs: 195k€, Invitations: 30k€, Environment: 37k€, Engineer: 65k€] Remainder of labex (96k€), and yearly operating endowment (20k€+2k€, Fédération de Recherche);
  • Funding obtained through 4eu+ (Alliance of six European universities): proof of concept in allogenomics (Precision Medicine), 250k€ (cloud, HR);
  • ISCD manages two lines of credit for Digital Humanities (A. Guilbaud):
    • 3D-SYSCREETIC, Emergence call for projects, Sorbonne University, 2018, about 3D technologies for digital publishing and research environments;
    • ANR VHS, AAPG 2021 (247k€ SU), A. Guilbaud, Stavros Lazaris (UMR Orient et Méditerranée), Mathieu Aubry (Ecole des PontsParisTech, LIGM);
  • Budget 2020-26, general overview
  • Financial report 2021, team-projects
  • Context: 2 senior teams (2019-22) and 4 junior teams (2020-22)
  • Activities of the team-projects presented by the team leaders (1 hour each, including discussions)
    Day 1: Tuesday 30 nov., 2021 – Council Room
    • [15:00 – 16:00] Digital Humanities, A. Guilbaud
    • [16:00 – 17:00] Precision Medicine, P.Y Boëlle
    • [17:00 – 18:00] Formal: From ObseRving to Modelling oceAn Life, Benoît Sarel, Sakina-Dorothée Ayata
    Day 2: Wednesday 1 dec., 2021 – Council Room
    • [09:00 – 10:00] Maestro: MAterials for Energy through STochastic sampling and high peRformance cOmputing, Marco Saitta
    • [10:00 – 11:00] Andiamo: Analysing Numerical DIffusion to Advance Models of the Ocean, Julie Deshayes
    • [11:00 – 12:00] Origins of Speech, Amélie Vialet
  • Day 1, [14:00 – 15:00] preliminary discussions about the team-projects;
  • Day 1, [18:00 – 22:00] First round of discussions led by Claude Le Bris, dinner at “Le Buisson Ardent”.
  • Day 2, [12:00-16:00] Lunch at ISCD, second round of discussions led by Claure Le Bris;
  • Summary of discussions, major deadlines, open questions:
    • Possibility of team-projects development;
    • Application call for new team-projects, Feb. 2022;
    • End 2022: termination of active team-projects, selection of new team-projects;
    • Dec, 31, 2023: end of the term of this COS, and end of the two terms of C. Le Bris as COS chair
    • Dec, 31, 2021: End of the term of P. Frey (possible overlap 2022 with future director).