We are pleased to announce the 1st edition of the Workshop “From ObseRving to Modelling oceAn Life (FORMAL 2020) », with this year a special focus on Marine Data, to be held on Friday May 15th 2020 (10h-17h) at the ISCD in Paris, France. The aim of this first workshop is to present all the […]
Appel à candidatures Postes d’Accueil AP-HP 2020 Date limite de soumission des dossiers de candidatures: 09 mars 2020 Prise de fonction: 02 novembre 2020 Postes d’accueil pour Assistants Hospitalo-Universitaires, Chefs de Clinique Assistants, Praticiens Hospitaliers Contractuels et Praticiens Hospitaliers de l’AP-HP avec ses laboratoires partenaires: AgroParisTech, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, CEA, CentraleSupelec, Ecole Polytechnique, ESPCI […]
Generalized Langevin Equations in classical and quantum simulations Date : 22-24 April 2020 Underdamped Langevin dynamics is a well-established tool to sample the classical Boltzmann distribution, or its path integral generalization by adding appropriate friction and random forcing terms to the underlying Hamiltonian equations of motion. In most implementations, the friction coefficient is position-independent and […]
PhD Call for application 2019/2020
Call for the creation of junior teams in January 2020.
Alexandre Guilbaud (Sorbonne Université, IMJ) et Irène Passeron (CNRS, IMJ) sont lauréats du Grand Prix 2018 de la Fondation Prince Louis de Polignac.
ICIAM Pioneer Prize has been awarded to Yvon Maday (Sorbonne University, Paris, France).
Le projet Extreme-scale Mathematically-based Computational Chemistry (EMC2) porté par Eric Cancès, Laura Grigori, Yvon Maday et Jean-Philip Piquemal, a remporté l’appel à projets ERC Synergy Grant 2018.
Le prix Atos – Joseph Fourier 2018 simulation numérique a été décerné à F. Aviat, L.H. Jolly, L. Lagardère, Y. Maday, J.P. Piquemal, récompensés pour le logiciel de dynamique moléculaire Tinker-HP.
The France-Berkeley Fund provides seed funding for new collaborations between faculty and researchers at Berkeley and their counterparts in France.