Traditional facial reconstruction methods rely on manual methods. The basic idea is based on face landmarks placed on the skull for which soft tissue with an average thickness is added to each of them. The face is then deduced by wrapping the skull fitting best the estimated landmarks.
However, these methods depends on the interpretation of the artist, are quiet long and not easily replicable. In contrast, the use of the FaciLe algorithm allows to have reliable reconstructions in less than a hour and rely of computational methods providing a “naked” face with clear and distinctive traits. The face can then be customized easily, by adjusting adiposity, secondary characteristics or age.
The below grid of images presents some of the Bruto renderings. According to the anthropologic and DNA analyses, he was most likely a 40-60 years old Caucasian man. In collaboration with students from ISART Digital school, we have been able to provide a wide range of portrait of his possible appearance.