2024 PhD call

PhD Call for proposals 2024 Within the framework of the Institutes and Initiatives of the Alliance Sorbonne University (ASU), a campaign to award doctoral contracts financed by the Initiative of Excellence (Idex) is to be launched in January 2024. The ASU promotes interdisciplinary research and the structuring of training through research with the Sorbonne University […]

Séminaire ISCD

Séminaire mensuel des équipes-projets ISCD Le planning des séminaires pour 2023 est disponible ci-dessous. Ceux-ci auront lieu dans la salle de séminaires SCAI-ISCD. Date Speaker Title 14 mars Hadrien Vroylandt Memory effect in barrier crossings: the example of the association/dissociation reaction 18 avril Andrea Grisafi Predicting the charge density response in metal electrodes 30 mai […]

2023 PhD call

PhD Call for proposals 2023 Within the framework of the Institutes and Initiatives of the Alliance Sorbonne University (ASU), a campaign to award doctoral contracts financed by the Initiative of Excellence (Idex) is to be launched in January 2023. The ASU promotes interdisciplinary research and the structuring of training through research with the Sorbonne University […]

2022 ISCD teams

Call for the creation of ISCD research teams in January 2023 Each new team will be financially supported up to a maximum of € 200k per year for typical periods of 2 to 4 years. This call aims to stimulate the creation of interdisciplinary links around scientific computing and data analysis. It is open for […]

2022 PhD call

PhD Call for proposals 2022 Within the framework of the Institutes and Initiatives of the Alliance Sorbonne University (ASU), a campaign to award doctoral contracts financed by the Initiative of Excellence (Idex) is to be launched in January 2022. The ASU promotes interdisciplinary research and the structuring of training through research with the Sorbonne University […]

Generalized Langevin Equations in classical and quantum simulations

Extended Discussion Meeting Date: 4-6 October 2021 Location: ISCD – Sorbonne Université – 4 Place Jussieu, Paris Organizers: S. Bonella (EPF-Lausanne), C. Hartmann (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg), S. Huppert (Sorbonne Université), F. Pietrucci (Sorbonne Université) Underdamped Langevin dynamics is a well-established tool to sample the classical Boltzmann distribution, or its path integral generalization by adding appropriate friction […]


Paris International School on Advanced Computational Materials Aug 30 – Sep. 3, SCAI-ISCD Seminar Room, Esclangon building, Sorbonne Université The aim of this school is to form new generations of young researchers to atomic, molecular and condensed phase computational methods, from theory to the most advanced approaches, going from the very microscopic to the macroscopic: […]

Fête de la Science 2021

Appel à participation L’édition 2021 de la Fête de la science se déroulera du 5 au 10 octobre et aura pour intitulé « Au cœur des sciences ». Elle cherchera à mettre en lumière l’émotion dans la recherche, thématique régionale et nationale de cette édition. Inspiration, émerveillement, questionnement, persévérance sont au cœur des sciences. De […]

Séminaire Pr. Bettina Keller

We are pleased to announce the next ISCD-Maestro online seminar: Pr. Bettina Keller (Freie Universität Berlin), Path probability ratios for Langevin dynamics – exact and approximate April 16, 9:00am. Zoom link Abstract Enhanced sampling techniques generate trajectories at a biased potential, such that the exploration of the molecular state space and transitions across barriers is […]

Webinar Formal

We are pleased to announce the online Formal webinar: -> Register online (click on link) ISCD-FORMAL Webinar by our IUF Junior Member Laureates! Tuesday, 9 March 2021, 11:00 – 12:00 11:00-11:30: Pr. Anne-Laure Dalibard, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (Sorbonne Université) Structures multi-échelles en mécanique des fluides Dans de nombreux modèles décrivant des fluides géophysiques, des couches […]